Album: My Room Assorted pictures of my room Last change: 05/12/16
Contains: 11 items. Viewed: 1084 times.
This is from the 2nd floor looking down the stairs to the 1st floor. The track on the left is for a stair lift. For a while, my dad couldn't get up and down the stairs easily, so this was installed.
Viewed: 801 times.
This is the front door. Visible on the left is the actual stair lift. It's battery powered, and charges at the ends. The front door was replaced several years ago.
Viewed: 962 times.
This is my youngest brother, Dennis. He plays the saxophone. The picture is taken from the family room.
Viewed: 879 times.
Our Christmas tree, Dec 2002. The tree is in the living room.
Viewed: 840 times.
Another picture of Dennis, this time with his saxophone put together.
Viewed: 888 times.
Our fish tank is in the corner of the living room. There are a good number of fish hiding in the picture - can you find them all?
Viewed: 1431 times.
This is a picture of my dad's bedroom, formerly the dining room. The divider on the right is filled with pictures.
Viewed: 895 times.
This is the kitchen. The double oven came with the house. The lighting is provided by a large 4-tube flourescent light, replacing the 60w bulb that used to light it.
Viewed: 832 times.
This is looking from the kitchen towards the back door. The table normally seats 6, but a leaf can be added to fit 8. There is a LOT of storage space in the kitchen area.
Viewed: 834 times.
The family room used to be all dark brown barn siding. It was remodeled fairly quickly. There are bookshelves all over. Stockings are hanging, since the pictures were taken soon after Christmas.
Viewed: 973 times.
Looking towards the back of the family room, the couch, recliner, and closets can be seen. The door on the right enters the office.
Viewed: 931 times.
Off in the right is my mom's sewing machine. The office door can be seen here.
Viewed: 854 times.
The bookshelf. All sorts of sci-fi, fantasy, textbooks, and assorted reading.
Viewed: 821 times.
The clock. I don't know much about it, but it's old, works great, and needs frequent winding.
Viewed: 939 times.
Here is the far end of the office (away from the door). My next brother, Larry, is busy at that end. To his right is an old HP/4P laser printer from the early 90s, still working great. To the right of that is the fax machine. The computer desk is ancient, having once held our 8086 computer and dot matrix printer.
Viewed: 859 times.
Devnull. Once my dad's shiny new Pentium 200, Devnull now lives in the printer stand, feeding email, web pages, and internet access to the house and the world.
Viewed: 881 times.
The entertainment center. Above the TV are assorted trophies, and to the right of the TV is the sound system.
Viewed: 870 times.