Album: 1988 DL Wagon My first Subaru Last change: 09/12/05
Contains: 19 items. Viewed: 1121 times.
Album: Distributor Failure The distributor in my '87 GL failed. Last change: 01/06/15
Contains: 3 items. Viewed: 511 times.
Album: DJ Auto Subaru Last change: 04/25/06
Contains: 21 items. Viewed: 849 times.
Album: Untitled Last change: 11/14/15
Contains: 8 items. Viewed: 511 times.
Album: EA82 Reseal Resealing the engine in my '92 Loyale. Last change: 10/23/06
Contains: 15 items. Viewed: 552 times.
Album: Snowbaroos Subarus (and others) playing in the snow. Last change: 03/12/10
Contains: 28 items. Viewed: 674 times.
Album: 2002 Outback Last change: 04/12/14
Contains: 14 items. Viewed: 169 times.